Recently, a new advanced mysterious APT has threatened the non-governmental sectors in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) in Southeast Asia. The threatening messages sent by the attackers include messages like “kill someone”. Researchers are working hard to gather information about these attackers responsible for sending such script-kiddie messages.
Gabor Szappanos, author of a Sophos technical brief stated that the APT group primarily relies on a special type of Cyber attack technique called DLL side-loading. This method of cyber attack became popular in the year 2013 in China. Researchers believe that the attacking gang may be a Chinese APT due to the ongoing rivalry and border tensions existing between the Myanmar military and Chinese rebels.
Researchers have informed that these DLL side loading cases share the same program database (PDB) path and contain the same folder name ‘Kill Some One’. They also said that the attackers were very skilled cybercriminals. However the investigation is still going on and the researchers are looking into the matter very seriously.