This tool searches the Azure AD/O365 tenancy for the following configurations:
- One that can reveal hard-to-find permissions and configuration settings.
- Assisting enterprises in safeguarding these environments.
- Federation Configuration in Exchange Online (O365)
- Client Access Settings Configured on Mailboxes 2. Federation Trust
- Remote Domain Mail Forwarding Rules
- SMTP Forwarding Rules for Mailboxes
- Mail Transportation Regulations
- Delegates who have been granted ‘Full Access’ permission
- Any Permissions Granted Delegates
- Delegates with permissions to ‘Send As’ or ‘SendOnBehalf’
Users who have access to PowerShell in Exchange Online
- Users that have ‘Audit Bypass’ turned on
- Mailboxes that are not visible in the Global Address List (GAL)
- Gather audit logging configuration settings for administrators.
Azure AD:-
- Service Principal Objects with KeyCredentials in Azure AD
- Report on O365 Admin Groups
- Application Permissions & Delegated Permissions
Disclaimer: The intended use for the tool is strictly educational and should not be used for any other purposes.
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