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Hello, my wonderful and health-conscious readers! You might be wondering how you can lose weight in the monsoon season without following a diet plan. You might have opted for informative articles such as “,” which tells you about the various monsoon fruits that are available for you to consume and will help you lose weight without following a particular diet plan while still allowing you to cut weight as you consume the fruits.

Well Health Organic, had the original article “,” which talked extensively on the topic. This blog will cover all the points mentioned there as well as extend them so that you, the readers, have better context regarding the topic, and the offered knowledge helps you make a more informed decision and improve your decision-making process in general! 

So, without further ado, this is how fruits help you with your diet and the best fruits in the monsoon that help you with such an endeavor. | A Monsoon Diet

The monsoon season is heavenly in the sense that it brings refreshing rain and extremely needed relief after a hot, smoldering summer. It also, however, brings a slew of worrying diseases.

Seasonal colds according to “”, the flu, typhoid, and a variety of mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and stomach infections are extremely common in the monsoon season. After the Covid-19 pandemic season, which is already a problem for your health, this spectrum of health issues is a major distress to your health. Therefore, in order to stay healthy during the monsoon season, one must eat foods that strike the exact balance between immunity and nutrition.

Ritucharya, according to the holistic science of Ayurveda, is the idea of eating balanced meals in accordance with the seasons. It acclimates the immune system and mind to the needs of the season. This behavior is thought to be healthy and effective at preventing illnesses, especially during seasonal changes. Therefore, it is crucial to adhere to a ritucharya diet that emphasizes avoiding some foods while allowing others to be added to the diet in order to remain disease-free. These foods are:


If you’re hungry, try a bowl of steaming hot soup instead of eating unhealthy roadside chaats. Soups are filling and nutritious, easy to digest, and will keep your stomach happy. A bowl of chicken soup or vegetable corn soup garnished with black pepper, garlic, and ginger will keep you hydrated throughout the day. 

Jamun and Plums

Fruits such as Jamun and Plums should be included in your daily diet. Jamun has a sweet but slightly acidic flavor; Jamun juice contains bioactive phytochemicals that lower the risk of liver disease. Tangy and sweet plums, on the other hand, are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. 


Sprouts benefit your health in all seasons, especially during the monsoon. Protein-rich sprouts not only make a healthy breakfast or snack, but they also boost your immune system, assisting your body in fighting germs. 

Herbal Tea with Honey

During the monsoon season, herbal teas like tulsi tea and ginger tea are your best friends. Herbal tea will keep you warm according to “ “and safe from colds and flu while also increasing your immunity. Instead of sugar, add a few drops of honey, which has antibacterial properties. 

Turmeric Milk

It is a common kitchen ingredient and is a miracle herb that should be consumed in any form throughout the year. Turmeric, which is high in anti-inflammatory properties, boosts your immune system and keeps infections at bay. To stay fit during the monsoon, drink a glass of warm turmeric milk before going to bed every night.


During the monsoon season, you should consume more probiotics and fermented foods. Yogurt, buttermilk, and pickled vegetables can help keep your gut healthy and happy. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in our digestive tract. They aid in the prevention of disease-causing germs and bad bacteria from flourishing in our bodies.


Lemon is high in vitamin C and helps to boost our immune system. We are more susceptible to disease during the monsoon season. Vitamin C aids in the fight against infections aids digestion, and promotes bone health. Lemon pulp or zest, which is high in bioactive compounds and flavonoids, is an excellent addition to your monsoon diet. Adding lemon juice to your food or salads is an excellent way to boost your nutrition and immunity.

Nuts and Dry Fruits

Every season is a good time to eat dates, almonds, walnuts, and cashews. These nuts are high in vitamins and minerals, making them ideal for your monsoon diet. These foods, which are high in riboflavin and niacin, help to boost your immunity. They are potent antioxidants that protect your cells. This monsoon, avoid junk food in favor of nutritious nuts, dried fruits, and seeds. | Best Fruits to Lose Weight

Many fruits are low in calories while being high in fiber, which may aid in weight loss. Some fruits, such as apples, berries, and melons, may boost feelings of fullness.

Fruit is nature’s ready-made snack, packed with vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients that promote a healthy diet.

Fruit is also low in calories and high in fiber, which may aid in weight loss.

Eating fruit has been linked to lower body weight as well as a lower risk of diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and heart disease.

Without further ado, here are the best fruits to eat in order to lose weight:


Grapefruit, a hybrid of a pomelo and an orange, is commonly associated with dieting and weight loss.

Half a grapefruit, or 123 g, has only 37 calories but provides 51% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin C. Red varieties also provide a small amount of vitamin A.

Furthermore, grapefruit has a low glycemic index (GI), slowly releasing sugar into your bloodstream. Although there is limited evidence, a low GI diet may aid in weight loss and maintenance.

A recent study discovered that grapefruit consumption reduced body fat, waist circumference, and blood pressure compared to control groups.

Additionally, grapefruit contains a lot of naringenin, a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may guard against diabetes and heart disease.

Grapefruit can be eaten independently, but it also goes well in salads and other dishes.


Apples have 116 calories and 5.4 g of fiber per large fruit (223 g), making them both low-calorie and high-fiber foods.

They have also been shown to aid in weight loss.

In a 2008 study, female participants were given three of each of three foods—three apples, three pears, or three oat cookies—each with the same number of calories every day for ten weeks.

The weight of the oat group remained constant, while the apple group lost 2.1 pounds (lbs), or 0.93 kilograms (kg), and the pear group 1.6 lbs (0.84 kg).

In addition, a 124,086-person observational study found that over 4 years, people who consumed apples lost an average of 1.24 lbs (0.56 kg) per daily serving.

According to research, eating apples whole rather than juiced will help you feel full faster.

However, according to “” compared to a control beverage with the same number of calories, two earlier studies found that drinking apple juice led to lower body fat levels. In addition, increased HDL (good) cholesterol levels and lowered inflammation have both been linked to apple polyphenol extract, which is created from one of the fruit’s natural compounds.

There are many ways to enjoy apples, Visit to Know How!, whether they are cooked or raw. Try baking them on your own or incorporating them into stews, salads, yogurt, hot and cold cereals, and baked goods.


Berries are nutrient-dense food sources with few calories.

For instance, one cup (123 g) of raspberries has just 64 calories but 36% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin C, manganese, and 12% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin K.

Strawberries have 99% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin C and 26% of the DV for manganese in a single cup (152 g), which also has 3 g of dietary fiber.

Additionally, berries have been shown to be filling. According to a small study, those who received a 65-calorie berry snack at snack time consumed less food at their next meal than those who received candy with the same number of calories.

Berries may also help lower blood pressure, inflammation, and cholesterol levels, which may be particularly beneficial for overweight people.

Breakfast cereal or yogurt can be made with fresh or frozen berries, and they can also be mixed with other ingredients to make baked goods or salad dressing.

Stone Fruits

Stone fruits are a class of seasonal fruits with a fleshy exterior and a stone, or pit, on the inside. They are also referred to as drupes. They include peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, and apricots.

Stone fruits are excellent for people trying to lose weight because they have a low GI, are low in calories, and are packed with vitamins C and A and other nutrients.

There are 58 calories in one medium peach (150 g), 87 calories in a cup of cherries (138 g), less than 70 calories in four apricots (140 g), two small plums (132 g), etc.

Stone fruits can be consumed in a variety of ways, including fresh, grilled, in fruit salads, mixed into hearty porridge, or as an ingredient in savory stews.

Passion Fruit

Passion fruit is a South American native that grows on stunning flowering vines. It has a thick, purple, or yellow rind on the outside and a pulpy, edible seed mass inside.

Only 18 calories and a wealth of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and potassium are found in one 18-gram serving of purple passion fruit.

Passion fruit contains plenty of dietary fiber for such a small fruit. In fact, 5 of these fruits have less than 100 calories per serving and 33% of the DV.

Fiber helps you feel fuller for longer and manages your appetite by slowing down digestion.

Piceatannol, a compound associated with lowered blood pressure and improved insulin sensitivity in overweight men, is another compound found in the seeds of passion fruit. 

The best way to consume passion fruit for weight loss is whole. It can be consumed independently, as a topping or filling for desserts, or combined with beverages.


Although rhubarb is technically a vegetable, it is frequently prepared as a fruit in Europe and North America.

Despite only having 11 calories per stalk, it contains nearly 1 g of fiber and nearly 12% of the daily value for vitamin K.

Rhubarb fiber may also aid in lowering high cholesterol.

In a 2007 study, those who received 23 milligrams (mg) of dried rhubarb extract per lb of body weight (50 mg per kg) for six months saw a significant drop in cholesterol and an improvement in blood vessel function. The participants in the study were 83 people with atherosclerosis, a disease of the arteries.

Served with porridge or your preferred cereal, stewed rhubarb stalks are a delicious option. When attempting to lose weight, it is best to stick to low-sugar rhubarb dishes, although they can be used in various ways, including desserts.


Kiwifruits are tiny, brown fruits that have tiny black seeds and bright green or yellow flesh.

Kiwis are extremely nutrient-dense and a great source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and fiber. They also have a number of positive health effects.

In one study, for 12 weeks, two golden kiwis were consumed daily by 41 participants with prediabetes. Their vitamin C levels increased, their blood pressure dropped, and their waist circumference shrunk by 1.2 inches (3.1 cm).

According to additional studies, kiwis can also support gut health, lower blood pressure, and improve cholesterol, all of which are factors in weight loss. Kiwis can also help with gut health, blood pressure control, and cholesterol levels, all of which are linked to weight loss, according to studies.

Due to their low GI, kiwis do contain sugar, but it is released more gradually, causing less pronounced blood sugar spikes. 

Kiwis also contain a lot of dietary fiber. Over 2 g of fiber can be found in one small fruit (69 g), and an additional 1 g can be found only in the fruit’s skin.

It has been demonstrated that diets high in fiber from fruits and vegetables help people lose weight, feel fuller, and have better gut health.

Eating raw, peeled, or unpeeled Kiwifruit results in soft, sweet, and delicious fruit. It can also be juiced, added to salads, cereal in the morning, or baked goods.


They are excellent for weight control because they have high water content and few calories.

Melons like honeydew or watermelon, which are only 1 cup (150–170 g) in size, have a meager 46–61 calories per serving.

Melons are high in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants like vitamin C despite having few calories.

Consuming fruits with a high water content may also aid in weight loss.

Watermelon does have a high GI, so it’s important to watch your intake.

Melons can be eaten raw, chopped, or rolled to add flavor to fruit salads. They can also be frozen into fruit popsicles or blended into fruit smoothies.


Oranges have a low-calorie count and a high vitamin C and fiber content, like all citrus fruits. They are very filling as well.

Even though most people drink orange juice instead of eating orange slices, studies show that eating whole fruits rather than juice not only reduces hunger and calorie intake but also increases feelings of fullness.

Eating oranges rather than drinking orange juice may be preferable if you’re trying to lose weight. The fruit can be consumed independently or combined with your preferred salad or dessert.


Some people avoid bananas when trying to lose weight because of their high sugar and calorie content.

Bananas are higher in calories than many other fruits but are also higher in nutrients, providing potassium, magnesium, manganese, fiber, numerous antioxidants, and vitamins B6 and C.

Their low to medium GI may aid blood sugar control and weight regulation, particularly in diabetics.

Furthermore, a 2014 study found that eating a banana daily reduced blood sugar and cholesterol in people with high cholesterol.

Bananas according to are high-quality, nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods essential to any healthy weight-loss plan. 

Bananas can be eaten alone as a quick on-the-go snack or added raw or cooked to various dishes.


Avocados are a calorie-dense, fatty fruit that grows in warm climates.

Half an avocado (100 g) has 161 calories, making it one of the highest-calorie fruits. The same amount contains 18% of the daily value of vitamin K and 20% of folate.

Despite their high calorie and fat content, avocados may help you lose weight.

For 12 weeks, 51 people who were overweight or obese followed a low-calorie diet with or without one avocado per day. Both groups lost significant amounts of weight, indicating that avocados are an excellent diet choice.

Other research has found that eating avocados can boost feelings of fullness, reduce appetite, and improve cholesterol levels.

Some research also suggests that eating avocados regularly may improve diet quality and reduce the risk of heart disease.

According to “ ” avocados can be substituted for butter or margarine on bread and toast. You can also mix them into salads, smoothies, or dips.



“, Visit to Know How!” Fruit is an important part of a healthy diet and may help with weight loss. Most fruits are low in calories while high in nutrients and fiber, which can help you feel fuller longer. Remember that it is best to consume fruits whole rather than juiced. Furthermore, simply eating fruit is not the key to losing weight. Along with physical activity, you should strive for a healthy, whole-foods-based diet. As stated in “” by Well Health Organic, one must always strive to eat food that boosts your immunity system as well as being filled with essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber and thankfully, fruits are the way to go. Plus, fruits also help with your dieting, as stated earlier in this blog. So, essentially eating fruits is like killing three birds with one stone!

I hope this blog was beneficial to you and was able to extend on “” by Well Health Organic!

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David Scott
David Scott
Digital Marketing Specialist .


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