Given the recent technological advancements made across various virtual and physical devices, there has been a continuous amount of investment made in the cyber security sector to help preserve all personal information as well as other amenities that are now widely considered to be of great importance to the wellbeing of various industries, such as the sports and media circuit.
Cyber security services and software are now being fully utilized to preserve all personal information that may be under a great amount of threat of being leaked or exposed to hackers or threatening viruses.
This installation has been fully implemented into the protection of various high-profile industries that have since become solely reliant on the services provided by the technological sector.
One of the most prominent industry’s that have expressed their importance of the addition of cyber security and protection software is for sports and all related media sources, which can also span to other forms of digital uses such as the latest outright odds for the updated favorites as to who are leading the odds to win the NBA Championship this season on the sportsbook, all of whom require cyber security services to help keep all information secure.
Some of the main risks that are likely to affect sports and media services when it comes to breaches in the technological sector could likely include viruses or online hackers who are attempting to acquire valuable information, which can include identity theft and financial results, exposure of sports business data for clients and blackmail of potential integral pieces of data.
There have been many cases of cyber breaches in the past relating to sport and other forms of media which further emphasizes the use of security software instalments for all devices that hold vital information that must remain encrypted.
Prior cyber-attacks in the sports and media industry:
While not solely related to sports, one of the most prominent and widely covered cyber-attacks in the film and media industry relates to the previous breaches that were present at Sony Pictures as well as other follow-up hacks at Netflix and HBO, with a German publication of various newspapers and magazines labelled as ‘Funke Media Group’ also suffering from ransomware cyber-attacks that affected over 6,000 enterprise computers, which were held hostage by the attackers.
There has not been a major recorded sum of a significant cyber-attack that has solely affected an individual drawing facet of the sporting industry as a whole, yet one of the most notorious cases was previously associated with UK sports fashion brand JD Sports, who saw their financial information of a recorded ten million online shoppers, who had purchased wears from November 2018 to October 2020, exposed to online hackers as well as other notable British fashion brands also suffering the same fate. Follow us here ehallpass.
Online hackers and infiltrators have become an increasingly growing concern throughout all sports and related media sources, which has increased the demand to incorporate cyber security software into all virtual databases in an effort to fully encrypt and secure valuable information that is related to the firm of origin as well as any other clientele or frequent contributors.
How do sports organizations often suffer cyber-attacks?
Studies suggest that around 70% of minor sporting organizations may suffer at least one cyber-attack per year, with UK businesses being predominantly targeted by a majority of online hackers, as around 30% of these incursions often being caused by financial damage with an average of around £10,000 per incident.
The main culprit as to how hackers have often been able to gain access to this such information has often stemmed from Business Email Compromises, Cyber Enabled Fraud and finally Ransomware, meaning that many online hackers can apply multiple methods as a means to hijack any online account from a vulnerable sporting firm or individual.
Another source of sports media and organizations that can be increasingly prone to a cyber-attack can often include online stadiums and their virtual network of users as most venues have now opted to include various technological advancements into their infrastructure which can include personal network hotspots.
Most spectators, players and members of staff working at the venue are increasingly prone to a potential cyber-attack surrounding their own personal information if the network is not fully secure and backed up by security measures.
Collaborating with a sports software development company ensures that platforms are built with robust cybersecurity measures, protecting user data and enhancing trust in digital solutions.
Which means that sporting organizations must aim to include as much software relating to cyber security measures as possible to avoid a virtual breach of all valued information to online intruders.
Given that the technological industry has enjoyed a successful period of innovation throughout the past few decades, as more users have since highlighted their involvement and use of technological devices, preventing any substantial data and personal information from being exposed to online hackers has now been considered as a major prerogative for all organizations across the world as the threat of cyber-attacks has become increasingly more apparent for all industries of virtually any significant stature.