Well, as we increasingly move towards a more instant gratification prioritized world, ordering food within minutes is the new normal. However, there are times when you might want to practice oral hygiene after gulping down all your favorite sweets and chocolates. Well, this might be one of the ways that you can keep oral cavities at bay. But more severe and rare conditions like mouth larva can take its due course when you are busy gulping down food relentlessly. Have you ever heard of mouth larvae? If not, keep reading the article till the end as we will be discussing everything that you need to know about mouth larva.
What are Mouth Maggots?
If you are someone who is unaware of mouth larva or mouth maggots, then let me give you a brief before telling you all the things that you need to know about them. Mouth larvae are basically parasites that live and hatch their eggs inside the animal and human oral cavities. The occurrence of mouth larva is one of the rarest disorders as you will not be much acquainted with people who are going through this rare disorder. While this is a rare occurrence in humans it can easily affect those who are living in developing countries. There are certain conditions that can make you prone to oral myiasis
Now that you have a good understanding of the mouth larva, head to the next section of the article to decode the causes of maggots in the mouth.
What are the Causes of Maggots in Mouth?
Well, folks, by now you have understood that mouth maggots significantly occur due to poor oral hygiene. However, there are other causes of mouth larva.
Here are the causes of mouth larva:
Underlying Medical Conditions
People who are affected with underlying medical conditions are increasingly at risk for worms in the mouth. The ones who have diabetes, malnutrition as well as immune deficiencies are increasingly prone to this disorder and these people are also susceptible to infections and infestations
Oral Injuries
If you are someone who has any underlying oral injury, then you too fall under the category of increasingly prone to mouth larva. These oral injuries can include open wounds, ulcers, or necrotic tissue in the mouth can provide an ideal site for fly eggs to be deposited
Poor Living Conditions
Another one of the key causes of mouth larva is that you are living under poor living conditions. Lack of proper sanitation as well as exposure to environments with a high fly population will be contributing factors to increasing the risk of oral myiasis
Environmental Factors
This is another one of the key causes of having an increased susceptibility to mouth larva. People who are living in tropical, subtropical areas where there is an increased population of flies increase the chances of infesting with larvae.
Now that you have decoded the key causes of mouth larva. Head to the next section of the article to explore some of the symptoms of mouth larva.
What are the Symptoms of Mouth Larva?
Excessive Salivation
This is one of the most common symptoms of understanding whether a person is affected by mouth larva or not. People who are infected with mouth maggots will have increased drooling and salivation. This will result from the infestation
Visible Larvae
In some of the extreme cases, the mouth larva will be visible. This is when the person has reached an extreme position and the infestation has spread throughout the mouth. This particularly occurs in necrotic tissue or open wounds
Bad Breadth
This is another one of the key causes of larvae. Often, the person who is infested with mouth larvae will have bad breath. This occurs because of tissue decay and bacterial infestation
Swelling and Inflammation
This is another of the most important symptoms of mouth larva. Swelling and inflammation of the tissues occur predominantly and this leads to difficulty in eating and peaking
Pain and Discomfort
This is the most visible symptom of mouth larva disorder. People who have been affected by mouth larvae can experience severe pain and also cause discomfort in chewing eating and even speaking. The pain particularly occurs in the affected areas
Types of Diagnosis for Mouth Larva
Imaging Studies
This is one of the most common ways to diagnose the larva condition. In some of the cases, the imaging studies will include X-rays or CT scans that may be used to assess the extent of the infestation and associated tissue damage.
Medical History Review
This is one of the most common ways to find out about the mouth larva. The doctor will be conducting a thorough review of the patient’s medical history and will be weighing the conditions such as any kind of underlying medical conditions or any kind of recent travel to high-risk areas.
Visual Examination
This is another one of the most common ways to diagnose the larva. A detailed examination of the oral cavity will be conducted and the identification of the larva will be done along with assessing the extent of the tissue damage
Now that you have got a good understanding of the methods to detect. Head to the next section of the article to learn about the treatment methods.
What are the Treatment Methods for Larva?
If you are looking to seek treatment for mouth larva, then here are the most common treatment methods for mouth larva:
Irrigation and Disinfection
Irrigation of the infected areas with antiseptic solutions is one of the most common treatments for mouth larva. This helps in cleaning up the wound and preventing further spread of the infection
Prescribing antibiotics for treating the secondary bacterial infection is another one of the key treatments for treating the mouth larva disorder
In some of the severe cases, there are also surgeries which are conducted to remove the necrotic tissue and repair the damaged areas
Maintaining Oral Hygiene
This is one of the most effective and the most necessary methods of treatment for larva. People who are affected by larvae needs to maintain oral hygiene, and they need to keep a good tab on using the products that they use to brush and clean their tissues.
The mouth larva is a rarest disorder, however, when it occurs it is important to keep a good tab on its treatment. That’s all folks, I hope the article will help you to get all the information you need.
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