With the advancements of AI like ChatGPT, we see so much happening around the globe, but what about the cyber threats that expand because of technological advances? It is a thing, you know; these cyber threats are also increasing with the advancements in technology we use in our everyday lives.
We live in a digital age, and that means cyber security is at the top of concern for business, individuals, and governments. There is so much sensitive data stored online that we need to keep watch of the data and transactions we tend to in the virtual world. This digital space leaves footprints and security loopholes where cyber threats like Spear Phishing can come into play and make an issue with our digital assets’ security level.
AI tools are awesome at analyzing so much data faster than any human or other technology can. This makes AI tools an invaluable resource for protecting digital assets. Unlike human beings who could take hours to evaluate the data and find loopholes, AI tools can determine any areas of insecurity within your digital systems within minutes or a day. The time frame will vary from space to space because some of us have more digital assets than others.
One of the significant advantages of artificial intelligence is that it can detect a threat that other cyber security systems running on non-AI programs wouldn’t catch at all or at least, not right away. Since cyber hackers tend to use a type of malware that exploits vulnerabilities within a cyber security infrastructure, we need a technologically advanced system to fight fire with fire so to speak.
AI tools can monitor the traffic within your network to notice any spikes in data that are unusual and then find out how many times someone tried to access a restricted content area at odd hours of the day or far more often than we’d see with traditional people trying to access a system. Basically, you may try to get into a digital asset, but for your password, you may try a few times. This wouldn’t trigger the AI cyber security to detect you as a threat; rather, it would notice those differences between lost password attempts for logins for authorized users vs. malware that’s meant to break down the code and patterns to access unauthorized content.
AI uses machine learning, which is what plays an important role in enhanced cybersecurity systems. With training on data that applies to your digital asset infrastructure, you can easily find AI tools that learn how to quickly and appropriately flag content and find patterns to ensure that you close those security threat loopholes within your computer or business infrastructure.
This also helps you find new automated ways to handle cyber threats. With traditional cyber security options, a human must be involved in the process of saving the digital assets, but with AI tools, you can have a program ready to fight back within seconds so that you don’t need to hold up the process. More human involvement is what allows time to pass and cyber threats to succeed.
These tools can be programmed to work especially for your needs, and do continue to learn your business needs and what type of digital assets need protection. As time continues on, this machine learning process will keep updating the database with data that you manually feed it or that it learns on its own as it continues to help fight cyber threats.
When we remove that time of human response from the equation by using mostly AI tools for cyber threads, then you will start to have real-time help without the sluggish response of a human being doing their best. AI tools can easily help with this area while freeing up time for your IT team to just maintain the oversight that AI cyber security systems are working effectively and focus on other overall efficiency tasks within your work or personal setting.
As we have shared over time, human oversight is still a necessary component for any AI tool that’s used in personal or professional settings. This means that while you may feel that AI is going to replace the IT team, that is not the case, at least not today. AI tools are quite powerful and super smart, but they are still pieces of machinery operated on a code that a developer programmed to run. Over time, you need a person to update the files and the data and oversee the tool to make sure it’s still running effectively.
Since technology advances so quickly, so do the cyber threats that face us in our Profesional and personal lives. Let us work together with AI tools to help protect digital assets quickly, effectively, and without haste.