After adding support for Call Links and the ability to add up to 32 users in a video call and voice call, WhatsApp make changes in the rules and regulations to pay for the concern for extra privacy of the users. WhatsApp will soon block the ability to take screenshots and screen recordings for photos and videos which come in the form of “View Once” in chat. In the announcement, as per WhatsApp’s new rules, it brings an optional subscription for business users called “WhatsApp Premium” to make WhatsApp a little more professional.
Block Screenshot for One-Time Viewing of Images and Videos:
This feature is currently rolling out to certain beta testers who install the app from the Play Store.
Nowadays, with the advent of the feature, it is becoming more difficult to get away with just taking a screenshot. The screenshot-capturing feature doesn’t work for some, while others cannot take one. Even if you use a third-party extension, the photo will turn out to be black.
This is really excellent news for those sharing sensitive delicate information via WhatsApp and want the receiver to view the video or photo just once. The builders are additionally actively engaged in enhancing the performance, which suggests any exploits that floor within the coming days may get patched in a future model of WhatsApp. It will also improve the performance of WhatsApp.
The new WhatsApp feature is available to users running WhatsApp beta version (build 405622068). It should be noted that there is no option to modify the new privacy option, which will become standard for WhatsApp users when it becomes available to everyone.
However, WhatsApp’s plan is to release this update with screenshot blocking of one-time viewed photos and videos to the general public without their acknowledgement.
WhatsApp “Premium” Business Subscription:
According to a report by WABetaInfo, the new WhatsApp rule was announced back in May and offers advanced features like reaching out to customers easily alongside some improvements when linking WhatsApp rules gadgets. But this is applicable for those with a “Business” account. WhatsApp Premium is only an optional plan to give some features to businesses that need certain advanced services. WhatsApp Premium is presently accessible on the beta version of both Android and iOS. Users can sign up by using the Google Play Store and Apple’s TestFlight.
If you want to experience the “Premium” feature, just go to your WhatsApp Business account settings from the app and tap on the “WhatsApp Premium” section.
The business account should pay the subscription fee to join WhatsApp Premium, which will allow the users to use two new features which are specially introduced to WhatsApp Business Accounts. With WhatsApp Premium, businesses can enjoy a number of advanced features such as a better approach to customers and some improvements in device connection.
The first one, lets users create customised unique business links that redirect to the business landing page and the secondly, allows the users to initiate a conversation using a custom link.
If the user unsubscribes the “Premium Subscription” from the WhatsApp Business account, the link will expire. Additionally, this newly introduces feature will allow users to customise their links every 90 days. Even users will link up to ten devices also.
At the present, the feature of the application is available for business users in exchange for zero cost. WhatsApp has made a major announcement today – the new update to the app, WhatsApp Premium, will be available for normal business users in the coming months. Last month, WhatsApp was reported to have been testing a new feature that would allow users to connect their accounts to an Android tablet.
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