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HomeTechTailwind CSS v3.2: Add Container queries, Dynamic Breakpoints and More

Tailwind CSS v3.2: Add Container queries, Dynamic Breakpoints and More

Hi Readers! Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that lets you style your HTML elements with classes that represent common CSS properties. Tailwind CSS is designed to be customizable, flexible, and responsive. In this blog post, we will explore some of the new features and improvements that were introduced in Tailwind CSS v3.2, which was released on March 23, 2023.

CSS Data

CSS data is a term that refers to the information that is stored in a stylesheet file. A stylesheet file is a document that defines the style and appearance of a web page, such as the colors, fonts, layout, and animations. The data can be written in different ways, such as using selectors, properties, values, and rules. Any CSS data can also be imported from other files or embedded in HTML documents. It can help web developers create consistent and attractive web pages that are responsive to different devices and browsers.

CSS Data Attributes

CSS data attributes are custom attributes that can be added to HTML elements to store extra information. They start with the prefix data- followed by a name of your choice. For example, <div data-color=”red”>. You can use CSS data attributes to style elements based on their values. To do this, you need to use the attribute selector [data-name=”value”] in your CSS rule. For example, [data-color=”red”] { color: red; }.

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Portion fix containers Sizes

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first framework that provides a set of classes for styling elements. One of the classes is container, which sets the max-width of an element to match the min-width of the current breakpoint. This is useful for creating responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.

However, sometimes you may want to customize the container class to suit your needs. For example, you may want to add some horizontal padding to your container, or change the default breakpoints and widths. To do that, you can use the theme.container section in your tailwind.config.js file.

Here is an example of how you can customize the container class using Tailwind CSS:

// tailwind.config.js

module.exports = {

theme: {

container: {

// Center the container by default

center: true,

// Add horizontal padding by default

padding: “1rem”,

// Override the default breakpoints and widths

screens: {

sm: “640px”,

md: “768px”,

lg: “1024px”,

xl: “1280px”,

// Add a custom breakpoint and width for portion fix containers

portion: “600px”


Now you can use the container class in your HTML like this:

<div class=”container”>

<!– Your content here –>


The container will have a max-width of 600px on screens that are 600px or wider, and a max-width of 100% on smaller screens. It will also have a 1rem padding on both sides and be centered horizontally.

You can also use responsive variants to apply the container class only at certain breakpoints. For example, this will make the element behave like a container only on portion screens and up:

<div class=”portion:container”>

<!– Your content here –>


React in CSS

When using React to render a list of sibling elements, it is important to give each element a unique key attribute. This helps React identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed. Keys should be stable, predictable, and unique. One way to generate keys is to use the index of the element in the array, but this can cause problems if the order of the elements changes. A better way is to use a unique identifier that does not depend on the order or position of the element.

To use Tailwind CSS with React, you can install the `tailwind.macro` package and import it in your component file. Then you can use the `tw` prop to apply Tailwind classes to your elements.

Dynamic Breakpoints

One of the most requested features in Tailwind CSS was the ability to define custom breakpoints based on the content or the container size, rather than the viewport width. This is especially useful for creating responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

Tailwind CSS v3.2 introduces dynamic breakpoints, which are breakpoints that are defined by a CSS custom property instead of a fixed value. For example, you can create a dynamic breakpoint called `–breakpoint-md` and use it in your HTML like this:

Container Queries:

What are container queries and why are they important for responsive web design?

Container queries are a new feature that allows CSS styles to be applied based on the size of a parent element, rather than the size of the viewport. This means that you can create components that adapt to different layouts and contexts, without relying on media queries or JavaScript.

For example, imagine you have a card component that displays an image, a title, and some text. You want this component to look different depending on how much space it has available. In a narrow container, you might want to stack the image above the text, and use a smaller font size. In a wider container, you might want to place the image next to the text, and use a larger font size.

With container queries, you can write CSS rules that target the card component based on its own width, rather than the viewport width. For example:

.card {

/* common styles for all cards */

display: flex;

flex-direction: column;

align-items: center;

padding: 1rem;

border: 1px solid gray;


@container (min-width: 500px) {

.card {

/* styles for cards that have at least 500px of width */

flex-direction: row;

justify-content: space-between;

font-size: 1.2rem;



This way, you can reuse the same card component in different places, and it will automatically adjust its appearance based on its container size.

Container queries are not yet widely supported by browsers, but they are currently being developed and tested by the CSS Working Group. You can experiment with them using a polyfill or a preprocessor like SASS or PostCSS. Container queries are expected to be a game-changer for responsive web design, as they will enable more modular and flexible components that can adapt to any layout.

Tailwind Two

Tailwind Two is a new version of the popular CSS framework Tailwind that offers more features and flexibility for web developers. Some of the main improvements include a new JIT compiler, a new color system, a new typography plugin, and more utility classes. Tailwind Two is compatible with most browsers and can be easily integrated with other tools and frameworks.

To read more blogs, click here.

David Scott
David Scott
Digital Marketing Specialist .


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