Recently, several WhatsApp users have decided to switch to different messaging apps like Telegram or Signal ever since WhatsApp has changed its privacy policy. Though there is no issue with the latest changes because nothing changes if we chat with our friends and family and all WhatsApp chats and calls are still end-to-end encrypted, still there is a misunderstanding that WhatsApp will share all its data with its parent company, Facebook. Signal takes full advantage of the situation and implements several features similar to its rival WhatsApp.
The new features implemented by Signal include:
- Chat Wallpaper: Before the announcement of new Terms of Service, Signal didn’t allow its users to change chat wallpaper. But it has updated its feature and the app provides a wallpaper preview, including Contact Name and call buttons, the possibility to reset the wallpaper, solid colors, custom wallpapers per chat and the feature to swipe between wallpapers.
- Animated stickers: Signal also offers the possibility to create animated stickers from the Signal Desktop app and allows users to share them with friends.
- Low Data Mode: Signal is implementing a low data mode to lower data usage during calls. ODE
- Contact Suggestions: Signal allows now to see your chats on the iOS share sheet, a feature already implemented in WhatsApp for iOS last year.
- Download Preferences: WhatsApp offers the possibility to choose when your media files should be automatically downloaded. This feature has been implemented this week from Signal.
- Group calls: Signal already offered group calls, but it was limited to 5 participants. Signal has changed the limit to 8 participants, like WhatsApp.
- Group Invite Link: Signal has implemented the possibility to create a shareable group invite link, to invite other Signal users to your groups.