As we have seen so many deaths of our close friends and relatives and neighbours, it is now important to take the precaution before the virus reaches to us. And vaccination is one and only way to grab the shield against this virus. Though the intercity of it has decreased than before but still the cases are coming in India everyday. So the virus is still there in between us. As the lockdown period is over, we all back to our daily routine, but still the virus hasn’t gone properly. So you can be the next target of the virus, that is why get your vaccination done one and only government site
Get you vaccination done in free of cost through cowin portal. You can get vaccination by following some easy steps and get registered yourself in registration. There are some easy steps to get Covid vaccination through cowin gov in. Billions of people have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Getting vaccinated is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself against COVID-19, help end the pandemic and stop new variants emerging.
Importance of taking vaccine :
- Prevents serious illness: Covid19 vaccine available in India are safe and effective at protecting people from getting seriously ill, being hospitalised, and dying.
- A safer way to build protection: Getting a COVID-19 vaccine is a safer, more reliable way to build protection than getting sick with COVID-19.
- Offers added protection: COVID-19 vaccines canoffer added protection to people who had COVID-19, including protection against being hospitalised from a new infection.
People are randomly searching some important question regarding Cowin in the search engines. Some of them are,
What do you mean by Co-WIN? (Covid Vaccine Intelligence Work) is an app introduced by the central government of India for the vaccination process.
Do we need to register on Co-WIN for vaccine?
Yes, you can book appointment for vaccination through Co-WIN portal (https // – cowin). or through the Aarogya Setu App, after signing-in through your registered mobile number. The persons who are partially vaccinated outside country, need to get vaccination in onsite mode only.
3.What are the steps to get self registered in ?
The cowin registration process has contained very easy steps given below.
The steps :
- You can open CoWin portal and www.cowin in (https // – cowin)
- Click on the cowin registration
- Put your mobile number
- Receive OTP from registration
4.How to log in to and how to schedule an appointment for vaccination?
These steps are also similar to the steps like registration. Go to
The Steps :
- Open
Go to login
- Login with phone number
- identity verification
- Receive the OTP
- Schedule Appointment ( time, date, Pincode/ district)
It is still possible to get COVID-19 and spread it to others after being vaccinated, but the intensity of the symptoms decrease. That is why, it is important to visit cowin. gov. in and schedule appointment for vaccine, and tell you family, friend and neighbour to registered themselves in cowin. gov. in and get vaccine. So after that you can continue to do everything you can to keep yourself and others healthy. Continue keeping a safe distance from others and avoiding crowds, wearing a well-fitting mask covering your mouth and nose, keeping indoor spaces well ventilated, cleaning hands regularly and covering coughs and sneezes. If you do get COVID-19 after vaccination, you are more likely to have mild or no symptoms than if you hadn’t been vaccinated.
And the most important thing CoWin does not have any application in App Store, so all you have to do to register yourself through the cowin. gov. in. Only cowin. gov. in 100% government site, and safe. cowin. gov. in is one and only government web portal for covid vaccine. The most important thing, you can book/ schedule appointment for vaccination in cowin. gov. in as per your convenient, in your own area. Only cowin. gov. in provides free covid vaccination. So get your vaccination done through cowin. gov. in and stay safe.
If you have started your work and going out side regularly then you have to follow some initial precautions to protect yourself from Covid and also from some other fatal diseases. So the precautions are
- Get a COVID-19 vaccine from .
- Wash your hands often with plain soap and water.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when around others.
- Avoid crowds and practice social distancing (stay at least 6 feet apart from others).
- Avoiding contact with people who have COVID-19, whether or not they feel sick, can reduce your risk of catching the virus from them
How to take precaution if you are taking care of some Covid positive person?
If you’re caring for someone who has COVID-19 or who has symptoms, keep taking these precautions until your doctor or local health department say it’s safe to stop doing so. Also tell other people who may have been in close contact with the person who is infected because they should get tested.
The guidelines for how long to isolate may differ from country to country, and keep changing as the virus changes or there’s new information about how it spreads.
To get the most updated and relevant information for your family, call your doctor’s office, your child’s school district, or your local health department. The CDC can help you find the health department in your area.
What if you test positive but don’t have any symptoms?
If you test positive for COVID-19 you’ll need to isolate for 5 days. Sometimes COVID-19 has no symptoms — but it can still spread to the people around you.
If you’re going to be in contact with people who could get very sick with COVID-19, you’ll want to wear a mask around them for a full 10 days.
I hope this questions answer helps you to understand the current situation of Covid and how to take care of you and your family at home and outside and how to get yourself vaccinated through in free of cost. Already more than 80% people in India are fully vaccinated. No one can be late, so better to late to take the decision of taking vaccine, register yourself in cowin and schedule appoint today.