MsfMania is a Python command-line utility that generates C source code that can be used to evade security checks before a payload is executed.
New improvements include: 1- a redesigned graphic charter, banners, and exit messages, among other things…
2- Source code has been restructured.
3- Make a correction.
4- The Open Source licence has been added.
5- In MsfVenom, preconfigured payload files have been removed, and functionality for selecting any #windows payload has been added.
6- MsfMania is scalable to the 99th degree.
7- “AccessMe” is renamed to “MsfMania.”
– meterpreter/shell for x86/x64 staged payloads.
-meterpreter/shell for x86/x64 stageless payloads.
-MinGW is a cross-compiler.
-C source code that is polymorphic.
-Use MinGW to strip.
-Executable with an icon that can be customised.
#Shellcode injection -Local/Remote Thread
-Antivirus/Sandbox Evasion
Disclaimer: The intended use for the tool is strictly educational and should not be used for any other purposes
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