Mentoring is one key to becoming a successful person that is often overlooked. Mentors are simply people with more experience, specific knowledge, and wisdom who are willing to guide and teach others how to achieve their aspirations. Plenty of famous figures have benefited greatly from being mentored, including Muhammad Ali, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Nelson Mandela. It is very rare, if not impossible, to find someone who has single-handedly reached stardom. Success can be cultivated through mentoring, which fosters community building and skill development in the workforce.
Why Mentorship?
In the workforce, great mentors are worth more than their weight in gold as they hold great knowledge in the field while also acting as proof that employees can find success in the organization. Mentorship is important throughout the employee timeline, from the first few days to the time when these employees may become mentors themselves. Mentorship is especially crucial in the beginning stages of employment. When new employees enter the company, the transition may be difficult for them as they have not yet made any connections with others in the organization. They may also feel overwhelmed by their tasks and have questions about their job.
Assigning new employees, a mentor or ‘buddy’ can help ease their move into your company and decrease the adjustment period as they will feel emboldened to ask questions and improve their skills. Even in the most individual work, establishing a friendly and collaborative social environment within the employee body ensures that individuals are safeguarded against feelings of isolation and exclusion. Creating an environment where new hires are taken under the wings of responsible and encouraging mentors will allow the entire workforce to form meaningful connections and develop skills collaboratively.
In a study by Randstad, participation in mentorship programs resulted in a 49% decrease in employee turnover. For companies that require large amounts of time for the training and interview process, the reduction in turnover can save huge amounts of money. In the case of Randstad, it was over $2,500 per employee. Mentorship increases engagement and connectivity while reducing stress and the costs associated with turnover.
Building a Strong Mentorship Base
It takes intentional effort to create a strong mentorship base as there are many factors to consider, which vary by company. The most experienced employees are a great resource for establishing a mentorship program, but communication is key in forming a mentorship network. While many people enjoy coaching others, some may not feel comfortable in disseminating information or being responsible for the edification of new employees. It is wise to consider the individual needs of experienced employees and determine where they would feel comfortable in helping build a strong mentorship network. One strategy for sourcing mentors is sending out a survey and incentivizing those who agree to be mentors by increasing pay or creating special perks within the organization. As mentors are accumulated in the program, they can begin training the next generation of employees who will eventually be able to sign up as mentors as well.
Continuing Education
The number one benefit of mentorship is that it provides a direct link to the knowledge and experience acquired by having worked in the organization for a long time. New employees can utilize this connection to ask questions, improve their understanding of the career, and continue their education within the field. While there is no accreditation for this form of education, it is crucial for promoting productivity within the workforce. Additionally, mentors taking new employees under their wings allow new employees to learn about the social atmosphere of the organization and navigate their way to success.
Building Relationships
Even though you’ve found great talent with the help from PEG Staffing, it must be cultivated to suit your team. The best way to retain new hires and ensure they are melding well with the team, building relationships is key. Creating a strong mentorship program means instilling a sense of community within your organization. Giving more experienced employees the increased responsibility of assisting new team members can increase engagement across the board. Mentorship networks increase the social and relational confidence of new employees who can become part of the group smoothly and incorporate themselves into a niche that fits their personality and ability. Strong organizational morale is built through intentional team building and mentoring to form meaningful connections.
Preserving Wisdom
In addition to continuing education and building relationships, the preservation of wisdom is another important benefit of creating a mentorship network. Many necessary soft and hard skills within the industry are held by the more experienced employees, and these can often be lost if there is no relationship between veteran workers and the next generation. Starting and maintaining a mentorship network ensures that no knowledge is lost, which will save time and money in the future. Instead of reinventing the wheel, mentorship networks reduce redundancy and ensure lessons only must be taught once.
Inspiring Positive Change
Through collaborative efforts, positive change can occur in the culture of your organization through the establishment of a mentoring program. While company culture change is not something that will occur overnight, working diligently to foster mentor-mentee connections will ensure there is a large social network that can support all employees by giving an increased sense of purpose and engagement to those who are more experienced and instilling a sense of belonging in newer hires.
In addition to the employee benefits of mentoring, the company can experience positive changes as greater communication and discourse can inspire ideas that promote efficiency and productivity. Being a role model organization with your mentoring program can also stimulate other companies to follow suit and improve employee well-being across entire industries and sectors.
Final Thoughts
Going to work should be an enriching and connected experience for your employees. Providing the opportunity to be a part of a team that makes a difference with members who care about each other, and the success of the company can increase productivity, reduce employee turnover, ensure employee satisfaction, and provide a friendly and inviting atmosphere that fosters growth. Once you have set up a mentor network, you can maintain and improve it over time to reap the most benefit. Building a great team like that at PEG Staffing takes time and concerted effort, but it is an investment that pays off exponentially.