Gqrx is a software defined radio receiver powered by the GNU Radio SDR framework and the Qt graphical toolkit. Gqrx supports many of the SDR hardware available, including Funcube Dongles, rtl-sdr, HackRF and USRP devices. See supported devices for a complete list. Gqrx is free and hacker friendly software. It comes with source code licensed under the GNU General Public license allowing anyone to fix and modify it for whatever use. Currently it works on Linux and Mac and supports the following devices:- Funcube Dongle Pro and Pro+ RTL2832U-based DVB-T dongles (rtlsdr via USB and TCP) OsmoSDR USRP HackRF Jawbreaker Nuand bladeRF any other device supported by the gr-osmosdr library
The latest stable version of Gqrx is 2.2, it is available for Linux, FreeBSD and Mac and it offers the following features:
- Discover devices attached to the computer.
- Process I/Q data from the supported devices.
- Change frequency, gain and apply various corrections (frequency, I/Q balance).
- AM, SSB, FM-N and FM-W (mono and stereo) demodulators.
- Special FM mode for NOAA APT.
- Variable band pass filter.
- AGC, squelch and noise blankers.
- FFT plot and waterfall.
- Record and playback audio to / from WAV file.
- Spectrum analyzer mode where all signal processing is disabled.
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