It is an information gathering tool that is easy to use.
Some of the features are:
- Userrecon – username reconnaissance is one of the features.
- Facedumper – scavenge Facebook data
- mailfinder – locate emails with a specified name
- godorker – google search tinkering
- phoneinfo – information on phone numbers
- Domain name system lookup (dnslookup)
- whoislookup – find out who owns a domain.
- sublookup – a lookup for subnetworks.
- hostfinder – locate a domain to host
- dnsfinder – locate a domain name system’s host
- Reverse ip lookup (riplookup)
- iplocation – trace your IP address to find out where it is.
13. Bypass all bitly urls using Bitly Bypass.
- Github Lookup – Export GitHub data
- TempMail – Create a temporary email address and a mail box
Disclaimer: The intended use for the tool is strictly educational and should not be used for any other purpose.
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