You want to establish a social media presence for your company or brand. Before contacting a company like, it’s important to know some things yourself. Here are a few tips to navigate the world of social media:
Do Update Your Social Media Regularly
There is nothing more frustrating than opening a company’s social media page – whether Twitter, Instagram, or others, and seeing that the last post was months ago. Having an active social media presence will let people know that you care about this integral part of society. It’s also a great way to keep your finger on how others view you.
Do Know What Each Audience Is For Each Social Media Page
If you’re going to be using Instagram, then you should make pieces that are visually striking and appealing – that is what the people want to see. TikTok is a great place to be creative in terms of short films and video- and use music to your advantage, too. Twitter is for sending information in tiny bite-sized bursts.
Researching and knowing how these things work is well worth the time. Also, see how various trends evolve – what was hot the day before might be cold now.
Don’t Make Content a “One Size Fits All” Thing
It’s easy to shoot one video and then upload it to a lot of platforms, right? No. Your audience on YouTube is different than your audience on LinkedIn.
Taking a shortcut like this is bound to backfire in the long run. Take the time to tailor your content to each site. It may take a bit extra time, but taking the care will be beneficial to your particular audience.
Do Interact With Your Audience
You want people to know that there is a living, breathing person behind your social media account. That means don’t just limit your posts to pre-scheduled ones that drop at particular times. Talk with people – hear what they have to say.
This is particularly helpful in areas that require customer service. Be sure not to just have canned replies there, as well. Treat each person as an individual and that should help a lot.
Don’t Put Personal Things in a Business Account
Unless your business is selling political gear, then you would be best to leave the politics to your personal social media account. Keep clear lines between the two of them – you might be losing a lot of business otherwise.
Putting up photos of pets is usually relegated to your personal page… but you might have one that lives in the office. Then you can feel free to include them on your business page. They can even become your mascot!
Do Be Thoughtful About Your Posting
This means taking a step back before each one and asking yourself, “Is this appropriate? Does it fit my brand?” If the answer to that question is a negative one, then you might want to think about changing it or not posting it at all.
You want to make sure that what you put out there has value to the person looking at it, fits your mission, is in the proper format, and is going up at the right time. The post should be best optimized to suit your needs. It helps to have a mental checklist as you go along.
These are just a few of the things that you should think about when it comes to curating your social media. Do a lot of research and you should find more as you go along. By sticking to these, though, you will get yourself off to a great start.