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Developing APIs with Rest Framework Django

REST APIs are an essential aspect of modern web development. They allow applications to interact with one another, sharing information and functionality seamlessly. Django is a popular web rest framework django that makes it easy to develop RESTful APIs quickly and efficiently.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using Django to build RESTful APIs, the key components of a RESTful API, and some best practices to keep in mind when developing your API.

Why use Django for RESTful APIs?

Django is a popular web rest framework django for many reasons. One of its main strengths is its ability to easily handle complex web applications. It has a robust architecture that makes it easy to develop scalable, maintainable, and secure applications.

Django provides a wide range of tools and libraries that make it easy to build RESTful APIs. Some of these tools include the REST framework Django(DRF), an extension of Django that provides a powerful set of features for building APIs quickly and easily.

DRF makes handling common tasks such as serialization, authentication, and pagination easy. It also supports a wide range of data formats, including JSON, XML, and YAML.

Key components of a RESTful API

RESTful APIs are based on the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST). REST is a style of software architecture that uses a set of constraints to create scalable, reliable, and maintainable web services.

The key components of a RESTful API include

  1. Resources: A resource is an object or entity that a URI can access.
  2. HTTP Verbs: HTTP verbs such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE are used to interact with resources.
  3. Representation: Representations are the data formats used to exchange data between the client and server.
  4. Hypermedia: Hypermedia is a constraint that requires the server to provide links to related resources, allowing the client to navigate the API.

Best practices for developing RESTful APIs with Django

When developing RESTful APIs with Django, you should keep some best practices in mind to ensure that your API is scalable, maintainable, and secure.

  1. Use REST framework Django: REST framework Django provides a set of features that make it easy to develop RESTful APIs quickly and easily.
  2. Use HTTP verbs correctly: Use the correct HTTP verbs for each action to ensure that your API is RESTful.
  3. Use pagination: Pagination can improve your API’s performance by limiting the amount of data that is returned in each request.
  4. Use authentication: Use authentication to ensure that only authorized users can access your API.
  5. Use serializers: Serializers are used to convert complex data types, such as model instances, into Python data types that can be easily rendered into JSON, XML, or other content types.

The Step-by-Step Django API Reference

We’ll thoroughly walk through each step of creating an API in this REST framework Django tutorial. Please be aware that not even on w3schools will you find a more thorough tutorial on the REST framework Django.

Create a development environment.

Installing Python dependencies for your OS is the first step. Using this guide or VirtualBox, you can quickly install Linux if you’re using Windows as your secondary operating system.

Use the straightforward yet powerful Python management tool pyenv to continue. Our go-to supporter is it. It enables us to alter the default Python version, set project-specific Python versions, install different Python versions, and control virtual Python environments.

  1. It should work if you’re running Linux or Mac OS.

$ git clone ~/.pyenv

  1. Set the PYENV ROOT environment variable to the location of the cloned Pyenv repo. Then, to access the pyenv command-line tool, add $PYENV ROOT/bin to your $PATH environment variable.

$ echo ‘export PYENV_ROOT=”$HOME/.pyenv”‘ >> ~/.bashrc

$ echo ‘export PATH=”$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH”‘ >> ~/.bashrc

  1. Shims and auto-completion can be enabled in your shell by adding the pyenv unit.

$ echo -e ‘if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then\n  eval “$(pyenv init -)”\nfi’ >> ~/.bashrc

  1. To make the path changes take effect, restart your shell. You can now start using pyenv.

$ exec “$SHELL”

  1. Install the most up-to-date stable version of Python at this point in the Django API tutorial. Now that…

$ pyenv install 3.7.4

  1. and establish a setting for your project.

$ pyenv virtualenv 3.7.4 blog

Build a Django project.

The next step is to create a project folder and open the recently created directory.

$ mkdir projects && cd projects

The following action is to start a Django project. There are various methods for doing it.

Personally, I favor using the Django Stars backend skeleton that has been implemented in our web development company and starting REST framework Django projects from templates. It’s a useful tool because…

  • Projects created in Django are formatted in accordance with its guidelines.
  • Django-environment assists in maintaining all environment configurations,
  • The default database driver is psycopg2,
  • Debugging is done with Django-extensions/ipython/ipdb, testing is done with pytest and pylava, and

You can now create apps that adhere to the Django Stars Code Style requirements thanks to a redefined startup command.

  1. The following command will enable you to launch a project using a template:

$ curl | bash

  1. You will be given a choice of several Python versions to use at first. Pick Python 3.7 as your version.
  2. Set the project name to django blog in accordance with the Django REST tutorial.
  3. We should choose the third option because we’ll be using the Rest Framework Django:
  4. You can also select the first option and press OK if you are certain Celery will be necessary for your project.
  5. Anyhow, we just created a project using a template. Now let’s go to the directory for the project name:

Install requirements-compliant packages

We must install a few packages, which are listed in the requirements/dev.txt, in order to run the project.

As a result, we install packages that have local development requirements.

  • Go to the directory of APIs:

$ cd api

  • and put the dependencies in place.

Simply add your package to the common.txt file if it needs to be installed on the server or the dev.txt file if it needs to be added for local development.

The Pillow package, which is not included by default in the package we installed, must then be added. Start the

  • Pillow==6.1.0 should be added to the end of the requirements/common.txt file. then proceed

$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

  • A list of all the packages that will be installed is contained in this file.

Launch the Database

Our undertaking requires a database. For development, staging, and production environments, i.e., the systems, the majority of Django developers favor using PostgresQL. Some people use PostgreSQL in production and SQLite for local development. Dealing with both databases is possible with Django ORM. You should use the same database and try to keep your development and production environments as similar as you can.

A database can be bootstrapped in a number of ways:

  1. Utilizing SQLite

We can use SQLite to simplify the bootstrapping of the database. A self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine is implemented by this in-process library.

All you have to do is replace: in the.env file.

To define the configuration based on your environment, we’re using the django-environ package in this case. The Twelve Factor App has more information about this strategy.

  1. PostgreSQL usage

An effective open-source object-relational database system is PostgreSQL. It has many features that enable you to securely store and scale the most complex data workloads while utilizing and extending the SQL language. You might want to learn more about this system since it is a little more complex than SQLite.

Docker, an open-source program that automates the deployment of an application inside a software container, makes it much simpler to install PostgreSQL. Check out some instructions on how to install and use Docker if you aren’t familiar with it yet.


Django is a powerful web Rest framework Django that provides a wide range of tools and libraries for building RESTful APIs. When developing RESTful APIs with Django, it is important to keep in mind the key components of a RESTful API and some best practices to ensure that your API is scalable, maintainable, and secure. By following these best practices, you can build RESTful APIs that are reliable, efficient, and easy to use.

David Scott
David Scott
Digital Marketing Specialist .


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