Working smarter as opposed to working harder is the best way to produce results in your business. There is no need to spend hours performing a task manually when you can carry out the same job with just a mouse click. Taking advantage of online software and sites tailored for business owners can help you focus on the most important things rather than trivial issues.
There is a new breed of online tools for businesses, and this has evolved due to the current state of internet marketing. No doubt that with the growth of social media, e-commerce and online business tools have been greatly expanded to keep up with the changing times. With all the tremendous available tools, it is now easier than ever to get your message out there and target those markets you would like to work with. Here is a list of tools that you and your employees should be using.
PDF is an excellent, easily accessible format for sharing text and other images. Most all the popular eBook readers, including Amazon Kindle, have support for PDF files. The same thing goes for business guides and free resources you might want to share with your customers. GogoPDF is a PDF editing tool that can enable you to repair damaged PDF, delete PDF pages, and convert other file formats to PDF.
Converting PDF to any other format is as simple as uploading your documents and selecting the desired file formats. Imagine working on a big project, and all you want is that perfect PDF file with a picture, graphic, or symbol. You would need a site like GogoPDF to assist you.
GogoPDF provides a fast and easy way to share your files with everyone, especially with the option of emailing or downloading your files to your computer. They have a simple user interface and guidelines, which is very helpful to new users who find themselves confused with features and procedures.
As a business owner in this modern-day, you would need a reliable website. This way, customers can read about your offers and services from the comfort of their homes. For starters, you can use WordPress to build your website. WordPress is an open-source Content Management System based upon MySQL and MariaDB databases.
It is currently one of the most popular CMS software in the entire world. WordPress is used by professional bloggers, freelance writers, businesses, non-profit organizations, etc.WordPress can be used by anybody that has basic computer skills since it is uncomplicated and fast-paced. It does not require a high level of technical skill or any specific coding knowledge. You do, however, have to learn how to use it to build a website. WordPress is free to download and use.
The open-source nature of WordPress allows any user to create, update, and maintain a WordPress blog for free. Because it is open-source software, many individuals can take advantage of the improvements, bug fixes, and security updates that are available through WordPress software.
There are now over 60 million blogs in WordPress globally, making it one of the most popular blog platforms on the web. Because the WordPress software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, most people can freely and redistribute WordPress to others.
In addition to being simple to use and operate, WordPress also comes with many user-friendly features such as custom widgets, theme control, SEO-friendly design, template customization, and much more.
Zoho Social
Zoho Social is a web-based social media management tool. It enables users to manage multiple social networks, calendar posts, and track keywords across all networks. This product has everything you need to manage your social media from the web. Whether you want to gain more visibility or start monetizing your social network accounts, Zoho Social will take care of everything.
It comes with a range of intelligent tools that help you get the most out of your CRM. It has customizable modules that work together to provide a complete CRM solution. With Zoho Social, you can get a unique and powerful set of collaboration features that enable you to easily coordinate with others and stay up to date on what’s going on within your organization. You can easily share information and get real-time feedback from all involved, proving invaluable in helping you grow your business.
As a small business owner, you might need to outsource some tasks you can’t handle independently. Upwork is an excellent freelance platform where contractors can post their projects for global clients. It is similar to, where clients post their project requests, and freelancers bid on them. A successful bid requires the submission of detailed project proposals.
To successfully use the freelancing platform, both the freelancer and the prospective employer should register with the site. This ensures that the client will be able to advertise his projects and that payment will be secure.
Many freelancers choose to work with Upwork because it has several advantages over other freelance platforms available on the internet. It is effortless to navigate, and it is suitable for both the beginner and the experienced freelancer.
Trello is an online, task-oriented, board-building software and is a sister-product of Atlassian. It’s best known as a collaboration tool used by tens of thousands of people worldwide to manage work.
The project management software uses a system of boards, detailed lists of tasks each person has to do. You can add cards to each list, and members can also be added or removed from a card. One other important aspect of Trello that makes it so unique is its visual layout which makes working on a project fun.
Another significant advantage of the modern online tools for businesses is that it is easier than ever to keep track of all of your business’ contacts and data. Having a central database that allows you to identify the names and email makes keeping good contact lists so much easier than before.
You will also be able to send direct messages to your customers with the click of a button, which will enable you to build a long-lasting relationship with each of your clientele. One of the most convenient ways of reaching your market is by establishing an online presence through social networks, which will help you interact with a much larger audience than you might have previously thought possible.